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pasantia dr. juan henao2


With the kindest regards,

The internship in the Laboratory of clinical experimental and immunology of the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) officially began on Monday, September 17th.On that day I had the opportunity to see the universities clinical premises and the investigation building where the laboratory is found.

The Laboratory that is coordinated by Dr. Niels Olsen Saraiva Câmara and Dr. Alvaro Pacheco e Silva Filho, is equipped with the latest technology needed to develop questions on investigation based on kidney Transplant and the implementation of bone marrow cells in renal regeneration.

The laboratory is found inside a modern14 story building, where we find the most recognized laboratories of investigation of the university .On each floor we find laboratories and their different areas of investigation, they generate a multi-disciplinary atmosphere that allows mutual support amongst investigators.

During my internship I had the opportunity to train in different techniques such as: ARN, PCR, real time PCR, Western blot, immunohistochemistry and inmunoflourescent tissue .I also received training in extraction, differentiation, and maintenance of mesenchymal cells.

On the other hand I obtained knowledge in surgery and training on renal disease in animals. The laboratory also counts with an excellent group of people that are constantly developing their master's degrees, doctorate and post doctorate, with this creating an environment favorable for exchanging information and for new proposals in issues of investigation.

In addition to this I actively participated in the revision of scientific articles that were done weekly in the laboratory, I also assisted the classes of the post graduate programs of the UNIFESP. One aim discussed during this internship was my possible postulation to the master's of transplant immunology of the UNIFESP, so during that time I prepared and studied arduously for the admission exam and today I can proudly say that I have been accepted with excellent grades for a masters in this prestigious university.

Finally I would like to thank the STALYC for this opportunity of a life time that has been given to me, I feel proud to be a Stalyc scholarship award winner, this internship not only allowed me to improve my knowledge but also allowed me to make excellent personal relations. With all of this said, I want this opportunity to thank the Laboratory for their availability, kindness and warm reception towards me, it was an excellent work group from whom I take great learning, to name them one by one would be unfair because the list is very long and one of the names would probably be forgotten .

I want to thank Dr, Niels, for opening the doors of his Laboratory and for giving me the opportunity to get to know in deep, the world of basic investigation in transplant. Dr Niles is an excellent chief.

On the other hand I want to thank Valle de Lili Clinic for believeing in this project, and to think this will surely be the first step for the so yearned transplant investigation laboratory.

Again, thank you STALYC for making dreams come true for the people who work in this beautiful area of knowledge.




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